With Shiori, you can take advantage of all the available components in Bootstrap. Here are some useful components for blogging.

Buttons and Font Awesome

Shiori automatically imports the latest version of Font Awesome. You can use it with buttons like so:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary"> Tweet</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default"> Email</button>

Text Helpers

You can use text helper classes to modify text easily. Documentations here and here.

Use text-muted to mute text color.

Use lead to for call-out text.

Use text-center to center text.


Responsive Embed

Add embed-responsive and either embed-responsive-16by9 or embed-responsive-4by3 classes to make embedded objects responsive.

JavaScript Components

You can use all of the JavaScript components included by Bootstrap. Example: A modal dialog.

Customizing Bootstrap

Shiori uses bootstrap-sass, so all of the variables are customizable. To learn more, check out Shiori’s README.