
It’s nice to categorize your posts so you can browse related posts more easily.

  1. We use a plugin to generate category pages. The categories will be placed in /categories/<category_name>.
  2. We define category_links and category_link filters to create links to category pages.


The list of categories for a post in the header above is generated like this:

{% if page.categories != empty %}
<p class="text-muted">Filed under {{ page.categories | category_links }} </p>
{% endif %}

You can link to a single existing category page, for example,

<a href="{{ 'html' | category_link }}">HTML</a>

will produce this link: HTML.

We can make a list of all categories like this:

{% assign sorted_categories = site.categories | sort %}
{% for category in sorted_categories %}
<li><a href="{{ category | first | category_link}}">{{ category | first | capitalize}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}


  • Because we use Jekyll plugin, this doesn’t work automatically with Github Pages. You need to generate the site and push that to your gh-pages branch instead.
  • Categories seem to be case-insensitive, so it might be hard to style them consistently.
  • Categories with symbols might not work properly. Please modify the slugify_category method in _plugins/generate_categories.rb for yourself.